546 I'm not acting for you. Do you understand?I can only hear it because you can't act and you can't be a voice actor. There is noerit in "pushing me". What are the benefits of pushing me? Try to answer! ?? Ahh! _?Rather, no matter who pushes you, "it doesn't matter to sales," "whether it's related to sales," "if you make a decision," "you can't be a voice actor," "you don't have the right to criticize." I'll erase it at 5 o'clock. Repent, you can't do it. "Until you say the truth, think carefully" "Meaning" This is the truth that all the actors think. Think about the meaning again.
557 Im 'non agens pro te. Intellegis? Tantum audire possum quia non potes agere et vox non potes histrionis esse. Meritum non est in "propellente me". Quae sunt beneficia propellentibus me? Responde conare! ?? Ah! _? Sed non refert qui te urget, "non refert ad venditiones", "si ad venditiones comparatur", "si sententiam facis", "vocem actoris esse non potes", "tu ius reprehendendi non habet. " Expellam in horam 5 illam. Paenitere, non potes hoc facere. "Quamdiu tu non verum dixeris, cogita" "Significat": Haec est veritas quam omnes actores cogitant. Iterum de significatione cogita.