On YouTube, videos of people whispering in their microphone, or creating certain sounds that are supposed to trigger an “autonomous sensory meridian response” -- a tingling sensation that typically starts from your scalp and moves down your spine -- are aplenty. And they are being watched tens of millions of times globally. On YouTube, videos of people whispering in their microphone, or creating certain sounds that are supposed to trigger an “autonomous sensory meridian response” -- a tingli ng sensation that typically starts from your scalp and moves down your spine -- are aplenty. And they are being watched tens of millions of times globally.
On YouTube, videos of people whispering in their microphone, or creating certain sounds that are supposed to trigger an “autonomous sensory meridian response” -- a tingling sensation that typically starts from your scalp and moves down your spine -- are aplenty. And they are being watched tens of millions of times globally. On YouTube, videos of people whispering in their microphone, or creating certain sounds that are supposed to trigger an “autonomous sensory meridian response” -- a tingling sensation that typically starts from your scalp and moves down your spine -- are aplenty. And they are being watched tens of millions of times globally.
On YouTube, videos of people whispering in their microphone, or creating certain sounds that are supposed to trigger an “autonomous sensory meridian response” -- a tingling sensation that typically starts from your scalp and moves down your spine -- are aplenty. And they are being watched tens of millions of times globally. On YouTube, videos of people whispering in their microphone, or creating certain sounds that are supposed to trigger an “autonomous sensory meridian response” -- a tingling sensation that typically starts from your scalp and moves down your spine -- are aplenty. And they are being watched tens of millions of times globally.
この口コメダ回でTの前でもやってたね でもスケッチガールズや女のコラボでは絶対見せないこの顔
これってどこ情報?TのTwitter初めて見たんだけど嫁情報なくて てかめっちゃTも匂わせやってるね エミリンはこてつよりTに甘えてるにリプ返したり ホストに会いたいってエミリンのストーリーに反応したり
残念ながらタナカガやっぴとの旅館オフ会みたいな動画でTinderやってる発言をエミリン本人がしてる 今も続けてるかは知らないけどね
ng sensation that typically starts from your scalp and moves down your spine -- are aplenty. And they are being watched tens of millions of times globally.