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HYDE 避難所(722)
La'cryma Christi IDなし 70(82)
40.Poi! Poi! Poi! He runs through the city in a white suit, holding a bright red rose on his head. The hero runs between mirrored buildings. That's you! Angel descends! God descends! You have arrived! This world is happiness! Happiness! Yay! Yay! Would you like to ride this big wave? With us! You, the hero, are the true hero of the heart!
45.I want to be an elegant rose. You want to be an elegant rose, right? You dance like an elegant red rose. The center of attention at the ball. Because you are a lovely, elegant rose. Let's be a rose. We are maidens like roses. Put on the iron mask and let out a roar so your heart won't fall apart! Elegant rose! Elegant rose! Hustle! Hustle! We are angel roses. Hustle rose!
1384.Pyrolin pirolin! Pirolinga 2024! I want to be excited by your tone! The emotional sound you play! I see an angel when your long black hair flows. you are god Ah, I'm addicted to your sound. Catch me quickly! Catch me with your emotional guitar!
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