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おだけい ファレン カップルYouTuber(685)
ふわっち きむきむ まるこは詐欺師(760)
【ふわ】要注意人物 3(1230)
609.https://i.imgur.com/4UPD5JZ.jpg TAKEって元軍曹組の奴で悪さをして軍曹から破門された人。女性リスナーを騙しペットを安く買えるからと話を持ちかけてお金を振り込ませるがブリーダーの名前も教えない
619.https://i.imgur.com/4PZw40s.jpg 犯罪者TAKE 知り合いのブリーダーもいない 大学病院でも日曜は休みなのに検査ある? 嘘ばかりの男
276.274What’s the new Cuz you’re the Edenbrook ABC go to Keaton Beach Nica MC Mercedes ESQ to make a king and a mega cool Kim and Omega Casey McKay your legs shaking your head you are there or will graduate today’s call Osaki recreational called origami’s going to take the soup going to buy the auto Kaiser that my son is it what’s your name on that or I could go sit in the Kia got tested it’s good to go back with you so stupid on my goodie station and I said it’s cool I would do is create Chelsea I do not believe both of her hip popped it up you up at the current assault guac you
TikTok 星桃次郎 小指115本目(2002)
993.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack you
994.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack you
995.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack you
【社会の敵】みずにゃん・ペガ子【子捨て 虚言】978(2002)
1690.take take take でgiveができない人間って蘭に言われてたね
925.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack y
926.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack you
927.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack yo
305.give-and-takeができてないんだよね takeの方が圧倒的に思う こういう人は出世しない
328.わなさんまとめ①語尾「~わな」②たぬきチェックが日課③不自由な日本語④ファーストテイクをfast takeだと思っている
3.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack you
25.有名爆投げジジイTAKEとにかく可愛いライバーに会って自分の事務所に入ると投げてやるぞ の人ウチの推しは抜けたけど事務所入ると作戦だとかなんだかんだ理由つけて一緒にメシ食いに行かなきゃならない逃げられない変則p活おつ( っ ˙꒳​˙ )っ🍵
SOLIDEMO 雑談スレ3【平均180以上】(599)
296.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack you
297.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it tha chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack you
298.Hudson Grill ETA what chemistry caulking to be beaten Oklahoma City Mercedes key to make a king to meet me in the kitchen can you try your name but you’re right exit king you’re on your way home in a graduate of days my cool mother to son is with Cuñado call Audi got Miss gotta take the soup out of Kaiser number Sunday social but I’m on the Oracle knows she did Kia got this suit it’s a good match the status on the Eureka quit by Cody so stupid up a goodie stairs in a hurry but what’s up my good emergency kit with a Ankit a bird damage scratch it that chance you earlier but heat pump that I hip-hop Trabucco he Pataakha disco quack you
【ふわっち・TikTok】相沢香輝 koki aizawa186(2002)
1326.You guard it?どういう意味?take careやろ普通www
【みずにゃん】BKB 爆チャンくるるbot.総合アンチスレ【アンチ配信者】1(62)
22.予想P ぷめはなK くるるB おっさんT ルポライターTAKE(爆)M むちorみーちゃん
ドキドキLIVE 性癖がえげつなそうな人(152)
143.TAKE 直輝 (o__)/(酒) 海猿 達也
177.留学しててfast takeはないだろ
ふわっち ごぇちゃん先生 五右衛門 ごえもん 虚言ほら吹きseason1(486)
83.またプロフ変ええたのね(笑)ふわっち初代配信者7年以上配信して受賞歴なし、オレはふわっちレベル80だってほら吹くなよ!貧乏無課金じじい(笑)月30~40万課金して7年やって3000万前後だろ貧乏じじいが見栄張るなよ(笑)「ギブアンドテイク(give and take)」は、どっちかだけがもらいっぱなしになったり、あげてばかりになるんじゃなくて、おたがいが「give」と「take」をし合うっていうこと。ほら吹き虚言師ごえもん意味理解してる?
98.ゴエモン先生®️ ふ:eds74856価値観の逢う方いらっしゃい🤗➡貴方みたいなほら吹き虚言師と価値観合う方おりませんよ配信の応援はギブ&takeでやります➡貧困貧乏で有料アイテム投げられないのにギブ&takeなんてできませんわよプライベートな質問はおやめ下さいね!ほら吹き虚言師ごえもんが経営者だ医者だ徳川吉宗の末裔だ散々虚言配信したのでその件を尋ねただけですよ
「YouTuber」フォーエイト 48③(1956)
562.FIRST TAKEは出来ても自分たちの曲とかメドレーは今後思うように作れないだろうね
371.It's going to take sometime
657.fast takeまたスペル間違いhttps://i.imgur.com/fT2wTTP.png
696.680fast take 早く搬送では?
あっちゃん☆ねる関連 本家雑談スレ32(2002)
707.【重要・共有】荒らしスレが引っかからない検索リンクの共有です 荒らし対策に是非使ってくださいhttps://b.2ch2.net/test/search.cgi?t=&bbs=zatsudan&guid=on&w=%E3%81%BF%E3%81%9A%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93+-%E3%81%88%E3%81%BF+-%E5%A4%A7%E5%8E%9F+-%E4%B8%BB+-%E3%81%88%E3%81%AC%E3%81%85+-TAKE+-%E3%81%8A%E3%81%98%E3%81%95%E3%82%93+-%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3+-%E3%81%A0%E3%81%84%E3%81%99%E3%81%8D+-%E3%81%B7%E3%82%81+-%E3%81%AA%E3%81%97+-%E5%A4%A7%E9%98%AA+-%E3%81%82%E3%82%93%E3%81%93+-%E5%BB%B6%E6%9C%9F+-%E5%9B%9B%E5%AD%A3+-%E9%9A%94%E9%9B%A2+-%E5%9B%B2%E3%81%84+-%E3%81%AF%E3%81%AB%E3%82%83%E3%82%93+-%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AF%E7%A6%81+-%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%81+-%E3%83%91%E3%83%83%E3%83%81%E3%83%A7+-%E4%B9%B1%E7%AB%8B+-%E5%87%BA%E7%A6%81+-%E5%B0%BB%E7%A9%B4
斎藤アプリ 鼻の下伸ばしてる枠主ランキング(110)
116.Take自分の管理枠がイベント出ててもアイコン変えないくせにくみこがイベント出たらアイコン変えるんだな笑 笑える笑★
ヒカルとリスナー アンチスレ(217)
【みずにゃん】ルポライターTAKE 爆チャン【サッポロイケちゃん】4(208)
1.【みずにゃん】ルポライターTAKE 爆チャン【サッポロイケちゃん】4ふわっちで配信してる ルポライターTAKE応援スレみずにゃんアンチ代表不起訴 起訴猶予処分YouTube 情報ネットPickupPress以下でGoogle検索爆サイ ルポライター記前スレhttp://b.2ch2.net/test/read.cgi/zatsudan/1698504190/i
ドキドキLIVE 独身で寂しい人生な爺さん(47)
18.TAKE いたねw
1057.アンチもクソみたいだった人生に生き甲斐を授かったんやからgive and takeやな
1420.どんなに貢いでも報われない事がある事を知ろうか!TAKEwww 50近いオッサンが悲しいwww
ドキドキLIVE 落ちこぼれ独身ジジババ達(24)
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